North Queensland Skin Centre is a primary care skin cancer clinic, offering screening, diagnosis and management of skin cancers and melanomas across all risk profiles. 

This may range from routine skin checks to management of advanced skin cancers and high risk melanoma patients. We are particularly focused on providing the current gold standard of care and staying across the latest developments in skin cancer diagnosis and management.

We feel it is important to contribute to the field by participating in research. This helps to keep us at the cutting edge and ensure we continue to learn and develop. Patient education is also an important part of our management plan. If you the patient can understand what is happening to your body then better outcomes will be achieved.

It is common to feel vulnerable during a skin check and some skin cancer and melanoma diagnoses can be very stressful. At North Queensland Skin Centre whilst providing you with the most up to date and best care we also understand that it is equally important to make you feel comfortable throughout the whole process.

We welcome all patients and a referral is not required. On occasion however your GP may refer you for an opinion on a particularly challenging lesion or if you fit a high risk profile. We respect that you and your GP understand your health needs the best of all. We liaise with your GP and they are included in the management process along the way.



Standard consult - $110.00 with a rebate of $41.40 paid on the day

Long consult - $150.00 with a rebate of $80.10 paid on the day

Saturday Skin Check - $130.00 with a rebate of $41.40 paid on the day


Full body photography - $180.00

LED low level light therapy

Chronic wound management - $50.00
All other indications - $60.00

Failure to attend booked appointments without notice to the Practice, will incur a $40 Did Not Attend Fee, payable before being able to re-book.